SIN ON THE ALTAR Episodde 1 and 5

SIN ON THE ALTAR Episodde 1 and 5

                          SIN ON THE ALTAR  

Episode 1 [twist of faith] 

This was the night i let go all my years of purity 

I never believed that one could be in sin and at the same time manifesting the unprecedented power of God 

But it was all proven wrong the night I fell face flat to IMMORALITY 

I was going to be the guest speaker in a Friday vigil in one of the Pentecostal ministries

My host had already informed the congregation that a powerful deliverance and prophetic man of God who had much fire to roast the devil was in town and was going to be hosted that Friday 

I was not ignorant of what he could do, to a point that I became afraid for the unneeded praise singing that was reigned on me both in my presence and absence

I was looking forward to this night and waiting with eagerness to have God use me to touch the lives of his people 

My host had told his people to bring all manner of sicknesses and disease

Both those who were lame and afflicted in one way or the other 

I was not afraid because I knew what God could use me to do 

Much as I counted it upon my purity and dedication to holiness which I was very much afraid to loose by virtue of sin and IMMORALITY 

I had all my life believed that once I had anything to do with sin, most especially sexual indulgence, the ANOINTING would disappear

I went to the mountain and did three days fasting waiting upon the Lord to birth his power upon me and praying for the success of the meeting 

On the third day which was the all night gathering, I descended the Mountain and locked myself in my room meditating and keeping tuned to the spirit before I depart to the meeting 

Just then, I heard a knock on my door 

I never knew Satan was preparing a cup of tea for me 

I asked who was knocking and Betty, my fiancee called out that she was the one 

"Betty? What is she doing here?" My mind muttered as I budged the door slightly 

"Betty, what are you doing here? You never told me you were coming" I quarreled 

"I wanted to give somebody a surprise visit" she said smiling 

Her smile took me off and I glanced through her body 

She was gorgeously dressed;

Rocking on her body a fitted red gown - just the way I use to tell her that I would want her to be dressing

She made new hairstyle and had a hand bag hanging on her left arm  

She wore heals with a gold chain resting on her chest 

Dear, you are staring at me. Can I come in please?

"Yes, yes, come in" i shrilled and said quickly 

"Betty, you never told me you were coming" I brought the issue up again and she waved it 

We began talking 

For the first time I could feel my flesh burning with an intense desire and hunger for Betty 

All the spiritual countenance and presence of God i had returned from the mountain with declined and was replaced with the admiration that stood out of me for my betrothed 

We had been courting for a few months and had even gone for introduction 

As the feelings grew more and more tensed, I quickly decided to leave before something should happen 

I cut off the discussion and decided to go spend sometimes in my friend's place and allow her stay before the time of vigil 

As I stood to go, Betty's face twisted and she threw a frowning face

"Dear, you did not even give me a side hug " she said 

"Haa, I'm sorry. Oya come" I invited with no lustful intension, but never had I know that the invitation would become the gravest mistake of my life 

[If you take this to be a true life story, you won't be far from the truth]


" Episode 2 [the bitter romance] 

Betty lay on the cushion across the center table with her legs stretching out 

As I stood waiting for her to approach me, I could feel the veins of my body toughened and my mouth began to salivate 

Before I could tell what was happening, I felt more salivary glands gathering in my mouth as I took a gulp 

My mouth became sweeter and I felt my tongue rolling in-between my lips and teeth

I was innocent so I couldn't really tell what was happening to my body 

But I began to stare at Betty's legs where her red fitted gown had descended to its boundary forming her body into nice curves

Her legs polished like bronze and Smooth like olive oil, 

"What are you doing!" My spirit cautioned

"God is a master Creator" I replied lustfully

Only then had I realized that I had gone so far away into lust but now I was back to my senses again 

How quick and fast this thing happens only makes me wonder 

"David, don't forget who you are" my mind warned and I upheld

I quickly turned away my lacanian psychoanalysis (gaze) and pretended to look away 

Betty knew I wasn't okay and she too became aware of the atmosphere that was building up among us but she couldn't resist 

She unfolded her legs slightly and against my wish, I found my neck turned slightly to steal some looks

I found my eyes, emotions, thoughts and being travelling from her legs to her thighs 

More so was when I beheld her face as she smiled sheepishly and rose to her feet 

My spirit and soul ran and were waiting for my body outside but the body resisted moving 

I was stocked at the spot 

I could feel the trap of Lucifer closing in on me but my body refused to run 

"O David, remember you have a meeting this night. Don't let your purity go." My soul called out from where it stood ready to flee with my body 

I turned to my wrist watch and saw the hands tickling, warning that it was about time 

But before I could say Betty I have to go, my nose began to perceive her saint and the waves of her adoring body fragrance travelled beyond my body calling and dragging my soul into place 

"O' my God, I have not thought of this as much." My body rejoiced to its delight 

"David, why do you want to run. It is just a side hug. That's all and you will be free to go" 

"Yes, I'm a man. Be strong David." I manned-up and held my fear still not to behave like a child 

Betty closed in on me by her side and was about letting go but my body wanted more

I used my left hand and covered her in

The side hung then began to grow; from it to front hung, down to embraced hug, then to intimate hung, and then deep hug.....

I kept travelling deep and breaking boundaries until I was lost to the devil 

My body was rejoicing and becoming more and more agile but my spirit wept within bitter

"Bitter romance it is, aawwhahaha!!" I perceived Lucifer mocking

Deep down I wanted to run but the strength wasn't there 

It was like a car who has run out of fuel

My soul cried out and I jerked back a little trying to free myself and at the same time not hurt the woman I had claimed to love, but she won't let go

She could interprete my body and what it needed but couldn't discern the wailing of my heart 

The thought of my all-night meeting flashed back into my head as I could envision people already congregating 

I felt a gentle cool-flesh touched my lips. Like a controlled robot, I couldn't tell when my body went against my cautioning and accepted kissing the woman I was not married to 

I cried  and at the same time romanced 

My flesh couldn't let Betty teach her how to do it 

I was going to let her know that I am the man she should be proud of 

I lifted her thighs and uncovered her skin

We fell and rose simultaneously and kept exploring each other 

It was all good

The night of my calamity came 

The night I gave all the investment in purity came and I felt everything wasted 

In the midst of all the agonizing pains my soul and spirit was going through, I and Betty couldn't let go each other

Our flesh rejoiced and I could feel the the demons of hell paying allegiance to Lucifer for a job weldone

But it was far from being all-over

The agony just begun. I was not sure what would become of me


" Episode 3 [ministering with dirty hands]

After the deep moaning and romance, Betty let go and fell flat on the floor 

I was on the bed sobbing when my phone started ringing repeatedly

I knew it was my host calling but I couldn't pick 

What was I going to tell him? Where would I start from and how would I end the story? 

As I sat on th bed watching Betty dressed up, gradually, the love I had for her began to fade and hate flushed in to fill the space

I felt so empty and light. I could weigh zero by the way felt

Soon, she was done dressing up and returned back to bed, fell faced down ashamed to look into the heaven 

I could hear her breathing heavily 

"Love, we have sinned. We went beyond our boundaries

Even though you didn't go into me, it was the same. We did everything else that could be done 

Ah, Lord please forgive us" she said 

I remained motionless and speechless as my thoughts had gone very far 

I could hear the devil mocking and my flesh rejoicing but the voice of my master was quenched

The sensation I had returned back with from the mountain was no longer there 

"Love, it is time. Are you not going to the meeting again" she said 

"You expect me to go? After all we have done? What should I go and stand before the people of God to do?" I questioned trying not to hurt her 

"I feel you should go. The Lord has forgiven you and I. The people will be waiting. Just go and do what you can do. I will be at home praying with you." She said 

Ah, her words felt consoling and I decided to go to the meeting 

I stood up still feeling guilty and replied my host's call telling him that something had held me back but I was on my way

If only my host was aware of the said thing that had held me back, he would have cancelled my preaching engagement that night

But not knowing, he consoled me over what it might be and told me that we would meet in Church

I dressed up and soon was in church where the congregation gathered 

There were all manners of sicknesses and diseases

The crippled, the blind, the deaf and dump, the bedridden and the insaned people all alike were gathered waiting for my God to use me to heal them

This won't be a problem if I had not messed myself before attending the meeting but now I was very much afraid 

My face was very well hiding what was ongoing in my heart

I was all smiling and glaring but deep down I was weeping

What if the devil exposes me tonight. "O Lord help me. Please show me mercy and for the sake of these people use me...." I prayed within fervently

The choir ministered and a heavily anointed Prophet was also invited to lead prayers and he did excellently well

Once he was done, my host climbed the altar and began to praise me here and there torturing my soul the way 

As he was calling me big big names, I was lowering my head the more and worshiping God 

Finally he was done and invited me to the altar

As soon as I climbed up, my eyes opened and I began to see things clearly

The first miracle that night was of a young man who was under the demonic oppression of darkness

He got delivered that night and countless other miracles happened

In my entire years in ministry, that was one of the days, the Lord used me like none other

What I couldn't tell was if it was God's presence with me or the gift manifesting

Deliverances where everywhere

I was being afraid should a demon speak up and expose me but all were only shouting and screaming 

The service closed and I came from there full of thoughts to my friend's

"I fornicated! How on earth did the Lord used me?" My heart wondered 

Deep down I had not forgiven myself. The bitterness of the sin I had committed hunted me and was driving me insane

But somehow the sharing of grace in the meeting was what made me happy. At least my sin was not exposed

When I went home from my friends place to check on Betty early morning, it was only then I realized that the devil had sown a seed of IMMORALITY in me 

The weird emotional and romantic arrest I had for her the previous night returned

The same force began to compel me again

I knew I was in trouble and in need of help otherwise I was fast draining down the pit of hell as its demons hungered to have me


Episode 3 [ministering with dirty hands]

After the deep moaning and romance, Betty let go and fell flat on the floor 

I was on the bed sobbing when my phone started ringing repeatedly

I knew it was my host calling but I couldn't pick 

What was I going to tell him? Where would I start from and how would I end the story? 

g with dirty hands]

As I sat on th bed watching Betty dressed up, gradually, the love I had for her began to fade and hate flushed in to fill the space

I felt so empty and light. I could weigh zero by the way felt

Soon, she was done dressing up and returned back to bed, fell faced down ashamed to look into the heaven 

I could hear her breathing heavily 

"Love, we have sinned. We went beyond our boundaries

Even though you didn't go into me, it was the same. We did everything else that could be done 

Ah, Lord please forgive us" she said 

I remained motionless and speechless as my thoughts had gone very far 

I could hear the devil mocking and my flesh rejoicing but the voice of my master was quenched

The sensation I had returned back with from the mountain was no longer there 

"Love, it is time. Are you not going to the meeting again" she said 

"You expect me to go? After all we have done? What should I go and stand before the people of God to do?" I questioned trying not to hurt her 

"I feel you should go. The Lord has forgiven you and I. The people will be waiting. Just go and do what you can do. I will be at home praying with you." She said 

Ah, her words felt consoling and I decided to go to the meeting 

I stood up still feeling guilty and replied my host's call telling him that something had held me back but I was on my way

If only my host was aware of the said thing that had held me back, he would have cancelled my preaching engagement that night

But not knowing, he consoled me over what it might be and told me that we would meet in Church

I dressed up and soon was in church where the congregation gathered 

There were all manners of sicknesses and diseases

The crippled, the blind, the deaf and dump, the bedridden and the insaned people all alike were gathered waiting for my God to use me to heal them

This won't be a problem if I had not messed myself before attending the meeting but now I was very much afraid 

My face was very well hiding what was ongoing in my heart

I was all smiling and glaring but deep down I was weeping

What if the devil exposes me tonight. "O Lord help me. Please show me mercy and for the sake of these people use me...." I prayed within fervently

The choir ministered and a heavily anointed Prophet was also invited to lead prayers and he did excellently well

Once he was done, my host climbed the altar and began to praise me here and there torturing my soul the way 

As he was calling me big big names, I was lowering my head the more and worshiping God 

Finally he was done and invited me to the altar

As soon as I climbed up, my eyes opened and I began to see things clearly

The first miracle that night was of a young man who was under the demonic oppression of darkness

He got delivered that night and countless other miracles happened

In my entire years in ministry, that was one of the days, the Lord used me like none other

What I couldn't tell was if it was God's presence with me or the gift manifesting

Deliverances where everywhere

I was being afraid should a demon speak up and expose me but all were only shouting and screaming 

The service closed and I came from there full of thoughts to my friend's

"I fornicated! How on earth did the Lord use me?" My heart wondered 

Deep down I had not forgiven myself. The bitterness of the sin I had committed hunted me and was driving me insane

But somehow the sharing of grace in the meeting was what made me happy. At least my sin was not exposed

When I went home from my friends place to check on Betty early morning, it was only then I realized that the devil had sown a seed of IMMORALITY in me 

The weird emotional and romantic arrest I had for her the previous night returned

The same force began to compel me again

I knew I was in trouble and in need of help otherwise I was fast draining down the pit of hell as its demons hungered to have me


Episode 4 [entangled in Fornication] 

I met Betty on the bed that morning when I returned home lying unclad and totally exposed 

My night at my friend's place was a stressful one. We had a quick discussion and he asked how she was doing. I told him all was fine without mentioning what we had fallen into 

How can I when he knew me with strick level of unbroken holiness? I was so holy that no form of sin must be practised around me 

I quickly closed every chapter of the discussion he was bringing up and told him I needed to sleep

But it was a lie. I only needed a lone time to properly allow my demon of lust manifest itself

He took me to his guest room and jamped the door behind me 

I switched off the light to sleep but couldn't catch up with a glimpse

My soul, thoughts and mind floated with the elegance of Betty 

I could envision myself having a deep romance with her and making love beyond the one we had done 

This time, I wanted more of her and realized my mind was sealed - completely sealed in doing the atrocities Lucifer had lured me into 

My spirit was begging for help but everything else of mine was made up and begging to have Betty

As I lay on the bed, I wished I had my phone with me which I left at home and went for the vigil 

"Why did I even come here in the first place?" My flesh quarried

"I am sorry. I came here because Betty was home and going over directly would expose us to more intimate act." My mind replied 

"Now are you feeling any better?" My flesh questioned 

"I will just try and sleep then return home at around five AM" 

I checked my watch and it was reading 4:37am 

An hour had just passed after my return from the meeting 

I tried against my lust and shut my eyes to catch a quick sleep

I woke up few minutes later with a gross and terrible erection

My organ had become so terribly elongated that I wished against heaven and earth to have a woman beside me and no other could that be than Betty, my betrothed

I left my room and went for my friend's knocking gently 

"Joseph, I have to be home now" I said 

"Are you sure about that. It's still dark." He said clearing sleep off his eyes 

"I know, but I have to be home on time so that I can see Betty off. She is returning back today" I said moving for the door 

"Em David!" He called out and I turned

"What is it?" 

"Em David, you know I have a drinking addiction. You have told me to stop it and for a moment I have been hiding it away from you. Yesterday you came in and met three bottles of beer on my table. I was off guard not to hide it yet you said nothing. You even cleared them off the table yourself. I don't understand, is everything alright?" He asked 

My mind traveled miles quickly and returned

"Ennn, so you want me to be pressing after you like a kid, well, we will talk about that later" I replied deceptively and stormed out with guilt wearing all over me 

It was 15 minutes passed 5 now. I entered my car and drove home 

I knocked on the door but no response

I stood thinking of what to do knowing that there was no way I wasn't going to have sex with Betty unless I was helped

Just then, I remembered how she often complain of her uncultured sleeping manner

I pushed the door and it opened. "This lady, how will she sleep without locking the door" I quarried happily as Lucifer made a way for me 

I turned on the white bulb and shivers traveled down my body

Betty was lying on bed unclad and totally uncovered 

"Ah, Betty you have killed me. Betty you have ruined my calling and ministry. Ah Betty, you have finished me" I wept internally

My erection had increased terribly and I was struggling to fight it 

I wanted to run but my legs couldn't move 

I switched off the light and went to the hanger as I pulled off literally shaking and vibrating

After pulling off and becoming totally uncovered, I switched on the blue bulb I usually put on during my quiet time of Prayer 

I climbed the bed and began to touch Betty jently

She turned to me; "love are you back?" I answered yes 

"I couldn't sleep. All I was thinking of was having you by me on bed" she said as if her life depended on it and I replied; "I too"."

"I have been hoping she will say no to this. Betty you have finished me" I cried internally

Haven sealed the agreement to work together, i launched into action fully exploring our bodies

"Love, are you not going to use condoms?" She asked 

"You know I hate condoms" I said and she affirmed

Against my spirit and God, I and Betty fornicated that morning

My body was driving me against my reasoning such that I could not even think of the repercussion of pregnancy

After a few minutes of being on bed with Betty, I began to feel empty. Ah! I wept terribly 😭

I couldn't believe that it was I committing the most outrageous act of sexual indulgence I had been preaching strongly against for many years

I was sure that if the trumpet Should blow at the instance, I would miss the rapture

If my congregation should catch me in this act, I would be immediately stoned to dead 

"Ah! Ah! Jesus! Lord I'm sorry. How the mighty has fallen"  my spirit cried 

As I lay on bed while Becky went to shower, I felt totally empty, dried and defeated by sin

I began to envision her in the bathroom again and the demon who was now inhabiting me began to prompt me to go after her but I fought it hard to victory

At least I won't do it again for the same day 

I was captured, totally captured

What I had fallen into was just the beginning of the calamities I would face in hell and ministry for the following years of my life

 Episode 5 [Taken by the Devil]

"David!! I have followed you for 25 years of your life and ministry. Now it is worth it all the sacrifices I payed to cost your downfall" 

I saw Lucifer face to face and he spoke to me 

On the morning before Betty departed to her family house, I waited for her to be out of the bathroom and helped her dress up 

We were now bonded together much like husband and wife and the intimacy proved much with excellence

"Love, I'm sorry for everything we have done. I caused it and right now I feel so guilty" she pleaded holding my hand from behind after zipping her gown

"O come on baby, it is absolutely nothing. We are good together and more so destined to be married which would come soon" I said with pains in my heart just to please her 

"Awwm, love you are so sweet" Betty said matching motionlessly towards me 

"Love, I love you forever and my body will be yours always" 

"Ah, is this the daughter of Lucifer or the Betty I know?" My soul cried within

Knowing that she was demanding for a kiss, I moved away in order to say "no! Not again Betty" but I was so weak that before those words could come out, she had already locked lips with me 

I have been doing ministry for nearly fifteen years and have preached so easily telling the Youths always to flee sexual lost but never had I known how difficult it would be for me to do same

I was a firery preacher who had sent demons to hell with just my appearance but here was I so weak before a woman

In an attempt not to hurt Betty, I was satisfying her body and mine AGAINST the agony that I felt inside for loosing out on the purity I had built for years 

I became afraid of two of these that day during the time I had escorted her to the park and was back lying on my bed weeping 

Those two things were my flesh and woman - the very things I had not given much attention to since I could easily defeat them prior 

I stood to my feet and went to the mirror then back to the center of my bedroom poundering on where I had fallen initially to get myself in the mess I was in 

As I bent my head in thoughts, I felt a shadow moved from behind me and walked towards the door 

When I raised up my head, I saw a mighty figure in white apparels opening the door to walk out 

"Ah, please who are you?" I asked trembling. 

Initially I have seen diverse spiritual beings so I was accustomed to them but for this one I could detect why he was leaving

"I am your ministry angel. I was commissioned to be with you as a fellow servant since the mandate of revival was given to you." The angel said 

"Ah my Lord but where are you going?" I asked foolishly not knowing exactly where to begin from

"The commander has ordered me to withdraw. He left you the very day you fell into sin. But I remained to guide you to repentance, but since you have not fallen on your knees to seek him again. The desire to sin still dwells in you. I have no need here. The commander has ordered me to withdraw

I was about fallen on my knees when  another voice began to laugh mystically within me 

"My lord!!! Please help me, don't let me go!!!! 

"David, Satan has taken hold of you. I shall be close by until you decide for your life" the angel said and went out of sight 

"Hahaha!!!!!!! I have laboured and patiently waited for this time for years" the voice spoke within me again

"Who are you?" I questioned with authority

"Don't you claim you don't know me, David! You are now my habitation and should honor me. You have read in the law of the righteous one that my mission is to steal, kill and destroy. If you honour me, I will spare you and use you for the glory of my Kingdom" 

"You bastard son of darkness, I rebuke you in the mighty name of Jesus!!!" I thundered and roared but could only hear myself. It had no weight as before. I could easily tell the difference now of how it feels calling the name when the Lord is with one and when he has departed

"Hahahaaa!!! How can you rebuke your master. David, stop fooling yourself. "David!! Hahahaaa!!! I have followed you for 25 years of your life and ministry. Now it is worth it all the sacrifices I payed to cost your downfall" Lucifer affirmed

"I rejected all your daughters you sent to me. How come this time around devil. Is Betty one of your daughters?" I felt defeated and decided to find out somethings from him

"You were quick and wise to detect my daughters. I decided to use the daughter of Zion; Betty - one of your own. I knew that you would be easily defeated using her against you" Lucifer said 

"But, but......." I stammered

"David stop asking questions. I have the power to kill you right now!" 

I fell down immediately and began to convulse

"Hahahaaa!!! David!!! That is to show you that Lucifer doesn't make jokes. Rise to your feet" he commanded

I rose to my feet as my body trembled in gross fear of darkness - something I could easily defeat

I became ashamed of my life. "How the mighty have fallen" my soul cried out in bitterness 

I wanted to fall on my knees to cry for mercy but my body was too heavy and my heart sealed in Immorality

"David!!! All the riches of the world will be ours. I love humanity and I want good for all humans. Many including your the sin of man has said false things about me. Follow my path and I will give you what you never have before.  Your ministry won't die. The whole world is just about to witness the greatest Apostle of the time. David it is time, David it is time, it is time." 

I found myself saying those same words until I opened my eyes and realized I had fallen into a deep sleep and was dreaming

Never have I imagined the devil this soft. His words sunk into my soul as everything returned to normal

I knew the devil's trick and I was ready to fight to have myself back on track 

This was just the beginning of what seemed to be an unending battle with Immorality. I cried myself out until my phone began to ring. It was Betty calling to Inform me that she had arrived 

We spoke lightly and I said bye to her

Never could I imagine what lay ahead of me 

The night of Betty's visitation repositioned my life from a glorious one to that of tears and agony

Just then I remembered we had intimacy without protection

The thought of her becoming pregnant began to hunt me and that was where my greatest agony began

>>>>> to be continued