Natural ways to prevent premature ejaculation during sex

Natural ways to prevent premature ejaculation during sex

Natural ways to prevent premature ejaculation during sex

Natural Ways To Prevent Early Discharge During Sèx

According to an article from Healthline, there are different techniques that help delay premature ejaculation. Here are some of these methods: 


 1. Stop-and-go technique: 


 The stop-start technique allows you to prolong pleasure and delay orgasms during sexual activity. If you feel the urge to ejaculate, stop the activity. Once the level of arousal has subsided, you can resume intimacy.  2. Pelvic floor exercises: 


 Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can be beneficial in controlling premature ejaculation. Research shows that these exercises can help improve control of the ejaculatory reflex and prolong orgasm. Here are some steps to performing pelvic floor exercises: 


  To properly identify the muscles, try pausing the flow of urine or tightening the muscles that block the passage of gas. 

  Lie down and contract your pelvic floor muscles for three seconds, then release. Repeat this at least ten times, three times a day. 

  Gradually increase contraction time as your muscle strength improves. Practice the exercises by walking, sitting or standing throughout the day. 

  - Focus and work only on the pelvic floor muscles, not the abs, thighs or back. 

  3. Discover intimacy without penetration: 


 Stopping penetrative sex can be helpful if you feel pressured to do so. Remember that physical closeness and connection with your partner can be achieved through many other enjoyable and intimate activities that do not involve penetration. 

  By combining these techniques, you can prolong the time of premature ejaculation and improve the sexual experience. It's important to communicate openly with your partner and discover which method works best for both of you.