THE HUNT FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF ZION Episode 46 to 51 [demons among Men 2]
Episode 46 [demons among Men 2]
"Lucifer my lord" a demon on an assignment returned back to report "I have gone for the mission you sent me. I made several attempts to crash the system so as to totally destroy the files. I succeeded in one but she has gone and has fixed it." "I know!!!" Lucifer responded rising from his throne with great vexation in his eyes "I know that your attempts to damage her work would be resisted but in our constitution, we do not give up. We shall plan what next to do. If we do not act fast, very soon the words written in that book would become the wind of revival among the children of men" he paused when he sighted another demon crawling out of the smokes of hell "My lord Lucifer, I have a scheme." the demon said "My lord Lucifer is aware that the daughters of Zion love to help strangers. My lord should send one of his daughters into the chamber of Ruth. Through her, she could gain access to the system and get away with the files" The demon finalized "This battle would be tough for us unless we temper with the refuge of that daughter of Zion - Ruth. Through that, we could easily gain access to do away with the file and to destroy her soul." Lucifer said "How shall this be accomplished my lord Lucifer?" The demon on assignment asked "Go to that my child; that accursed soul" he pointed and the two demons could see a young girl moving on the road in the late hour with her boyfriend "Take hold of her body and go!!!!! Use her to have access into that daughter of Zion and my spirit shall go with you to direct you on what to do" Lucifer ordered and the staff he was holding in his hand disappeared into the demon "How about the soul of the young man?" The demon asked "Do not kill him yet. We still have much work to do with him, but if he stands in your way, I give you my blessings to lick up his blood. This mission is important to us and nothing, absolutely nothing must stand in our way" Lucifer ordered and the demon bowed and disappeared He landed and entered the girl by the way Immediately, her countenance changed When the boy she was with looked at her, he couldn't understand because she started acting strange all of a sudden "Terry, I'm sorry I can't go with you again," she said "Beauty what are you talking about? What is wrong? Do I say something wrong?" He questioned hesitantly "No Terry but I have to go. I have a mission I must carry out as soon as possible." She said vehemently "Come on beauty. I have already spent money on you. We have been dating for three months now without satisfying sex. I have taken you out tonight and bought all the enhancers so that we can have a nice time together. I don't understand you beauty." Terry screamed at her as they withdrew by the side of the bush talking "Listen, Terry, this is for your good. Allow me to go if not something terrible might happen." She said vehemently "Something like what beauty. Listen I love you baby" he said falling on his knees "Stop embarrassing us, Terry. Please stand up! This is an open place and people passing are seeing us." She pleaded "I don't care beauty until you agree to follow me home." He pleaded again "Fine! Stand up and let's go." Beauty yelled pulling him to his feet "Hahaha!!!!! The fool has pleaded with us to have him join us in hell. Haawwha!!!!" The demons inhabiting Beauty's body laughed terribly Terry brought her home that night and the two of them spent quality time having sex From rounds to round to rounds until Beauty told him it was enough she wanted to go, but Terry pleaded for one more time The demon in her became angry because he was standing in his way from achieving his mission As they were in bed sleeping with each other, beauty's eyes changed into those of burning…
Episode 47[out of the eater, something to eat]
"Demon, the file of that book must be destroyed, now go!!!!" Lucifer appeared commanding the demon that had inhabited Beauty's body Beauty disappeared that evening and appeared on the campus Ruth had gone to have a long time praying When she was done and returning home at 8pm, she mate this beautiful-looking young lady who appeared to be stranded "Good evening ma, please ma help me, please help me" she pleaded deceptively Ruth was taken aback a little and wanted to move but on second thought decided to know what was the problem with the girl Beauty told her that she had been kicked out of her apartment where she was squatting with a friend "But how come, are you a student of this school?" Ruth asked "Yes I am" Beauty responded "Bu, but your face isn't familiar. Are you a new student?" "Yes, yes ma, I am a new student and besides, the school has a lot of students which is why you may not have noticed me." She lied "It's okay, so what do you want me to do for you?" Ruth asked "Please ma, I just need a place to sleep tonight. First thing tomorrow morning I will be up to plead with my friend again if she can allow me back" she pleaded Ruth closed her eyes briefly, held her breath and decided to help her She could sense something weird about the girl but another thing was pushing her to bring her home "It's okay, you can follow me home" she said beaming a little smile on her face She felt glad at a point because she would have the opportunity to minister the word of God to her and to an extent get her born again They arrived home shortly and Ruth prepared something which both of them ate The demon in Beauty was staring at Ruth's system (laptop) A hand appeared and inscribed the password on the screen Beauty smiled broadly and continued eating "Are you okay Beauty?" Ruth asked suspiciously She said yes and continued eating Soon it was time to go to bed "Hello Beauty, you must be tired. Can we go to bed now?" Ruth asked "Okay that's good" she responded and stood up to be shown the way [Soon, she would have the opportunity to steal the file containing the book titled, "I Saw Jesus"] "But we have to pray before we go to bed," Ruth said "En, is it important? I thought you prayed before returning home......." She protested "Of course it is beauty. Don't worry it won't take much time and we are done" she said as she picked up her Bible and sat down for a brief gospel After sharing the word of God with her, Ruth held her hands and immediately she said in the name of Jesus, the demon in her started manifesting violently Sooner, it was cast out of her and she became free That night, on the second attempt, hell was defeated again Beauty surrendered to Jesus and lived with Ruth onward Satan's attempt to steal the file on Ruth's system containing the book; "I SAW JESUS" proved abortive The more Satan made his advances against the daughters of Zion, the more victorious they became From that moment, Beauty became zealous for God and continued in fellowship with the daughters of Zion
Episode 48 [the departure]
The year before had long ended and broken into a new one. Charles Douglas could now walk perfectly well without an aid 7:49am, Saturday, January 25th It was a lovely day in the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Douglas with their lovely daughter Douglas Elisa When Charles Douglas had returned from the office at the cool of that evening, he asked after Elisa and was told by Mrs Charles Douglas that she was sleeping "Is anything wrong with her?" He asked again "No darling. She is perfectly fine and doing well. We were here together before she fell asleep and I asked her to go have a quick sleep" Mrs Charles Douglas answered "Alright, that's fine. When she is awake, tell her daddy has some surprises for her" he whispered into his wife's ears smiling broadly "Hmmm, how about me? You are always showering your daughter with gifts and leaving me aside." Mrs Charles Douglas shrugged Charles Douglas smiled and jokingly pushed her by the way "You have never had enough woman," he spoke as he walked into the bedroom He had his shower and came sitting in the living room A few moments later, Elisa came out rocking in milk coloured gown "Mmm, who do we have here?" Charles Douglas asked staring at her with a smile "It's your baby girl Daddy" Elisa responded happily as she went and sat on the cushion laying her head by his daddy's shoulder Mrs Charles Douglas was at the dining arranging dinner with the maid Elisa excused her dad and joined them As soon as they were done, Mrs Charles Douglas came to inform her husband to retire to the table The family sat down and had a lovely time enjoying the variety of dishes on the table commonly, potso soup made of chicken and beef with pounded yam "Betty," Charles Douglas called out to his wife "if there should be marriage in heaven, I will marry you again just to be enjoying your meals over there." "And I will gladly be your wife again just to be enjoying your wealth" Mrs Charles Douglas responded "And I will be your daughter again just to be shown love" Elisa came in turning her gale to either of them The three of them broke into laughter and had a lot of fun together Shortly, Charles Douglas cleared his throat and asked the maid to call in the driver The driver came in handling a package for him "Daughter," he began I thought of what to get for you today and decided to go shopping. I don't want Betty to steal all the love by being the only one shopping for you." They both laughed as he handed her daughter the package She opened it and shouted then ran to her room and came back rocking in a golden gown "Dad, thank you, this is a beautiful dress Dad. Thank you. I love it!" Elisa exclaimed giving her dad a hug "Elisa," he called in meaning serious "Your mother is aware of all I'm going to be telling you. Before I became born again, Prinscribe University's counsellor had been persuading me to join the cult he is a member of. I turned it down to protect my family. After my salvation experience, he has threatened to hurt you if I do not answer to what they are demanding of me." "Due to all these happenings, I and your mother have decided that going back there to round up with your degree program would be dangerous for you. Spiritually I know you can resist them but they may frustrate your academic Excellence." "For this reason, we have made arrangements for you to go and round up with your degree program in Harvard in the United States of America. Your transfer is already processed and every arrangement is made ready. It's for us to know whether you are okay going or not." He concluded looking at his wife for affirmation and she nodded her head turning to her daughter, as it was time for her to speak up "Wow Daddy this is amazing. Thank you so much, thank you Mom for all the efforts just because of me. But Dad, how is this possible knowing that I'm pregnant and it's already visible? Elisa asked Her mind went to every angle; her friends, her marital engagement with Paul, and most importantly the pregnancy "That won't be a problem, Elisa. You will be travelling with your mom who will look after you. Your academic papers have already been sent to a friend of mine who is processing things for us. The university has agreed to adopt you in your condition only if you are willing. This will also offer you an opportunity to give birth in the United States and provide the child with U.S nationality." Charles Douglas answered thoughtfully "But Dad I'm shocked how all these were done behind me." "We wanted to make it a surprise for you baby girl." Her mother answered putting her hand across her shoulders "Oh, that means I won't be finishing at Prinscribe University? I will miss everybody Mom, especially my friends." Elisa became emotional "That won't take long Elisa. By the time you are back, you will meet your friends again and they too must have graduated. Your marriage would also be brought into place if you and Paul are okay with that." Charles Douglas said gulping in some orange juice "He will Dad. But I know he would miss me much." Elisa answered and they both laughed The following day, she went to the campus where she visited Deborah and Ruth and broke the news to them They both felt sad about it but nonetheless prayed that if it was God's will, it should come to pass After she was back, she called Paul and disclosed the same to him and they spoke at length He would come and visit the house to see her in three days' time before her travel The following week was spent preparing Elisa's flight documents and making other necessary arrangements The Monday of the second week, Elisa and her mom departed the country to the U.S.A Mrs Charles Douglas would be coming often to spend days with her husband They both had to sacrifice the moment for the joy and safety of their daughter THE HUNT FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF ZION
Episode 49 [the final battles of part 1]
".... Nohrog!" Lucifer called out after a long meeting held with demons in hell On the wall behind the throne of Lucifer was an inscription boldly written; PRINSCRIBE UNIVERSITY The meeting was to target Prinscribe University upon it resumption "The assignment is on you!" Lucifer continued "Go and raise the altar of opposition. This is the final session for those daughters of Zion and they have vowed to pull down my altars and raise for that righteous one a Holy People. Go!!!!!!! Use the vice Chancellor and bring about a strong religious opposition! When you are done with him, he will be of no use to us again. Terminate his life at once" "Yes my lord Lucifer" Nohrog the demon responded and disappeared That night, the cult the vice Chancellor was a member of assembled and everyone stood side by side facing each other with their heads bowed All of a sudden, a fearfully looking figure landed at the altar towards the extreme end and called forth; "Shedrach Olarotimi!!" "We gave you a simple assignment to bring Charles Douglas into our fold but you allowed him to slip away from your hands into the hands of the righteous one." "You are as good as a dead man right now! You know the rules here that any member that fails in his assignment must be put to death. You have a second chance to prove to us and Lucifer that you still want to breathe if he counts you worthy." "We have tolerated the activities of the DAUGHTERS of Zion for this long. Your assignment is to put an end at once to their activities." "You all know that the righteous one is with them and for that reason, they have defiled every one of our attacks. Go therefore and silence their activities so they do not capture more of our captives and set them free. Do I make myself clear!" The grandmaster asked "Yes, ye yes great one." The vice Chancellor stammered to answer "Great one, this assignment given to me is a difficult one and I do not know by what means to execute it." He pleaded "This is your last chance! If you fail to carry out this assignment, we shall demand your blood from you." The occult grandmaster concluded and disappeared The university board of staff meeting was held the following day and Professor Shedrach Olarotimi, the vice Chancellor of Princescribe University addressed them worriedly issuing a stern warning that all religious activities were to be kept at the lowest minimal "I want to be specific on this ladies and gentlemen. This is an institution of learning and anyone not comfortable with what is going on here is free to take the exit but I don't want religious activities to overshadow the learning process. I believe that is understood" he said and all staff nodded to his tune Charles Douglas had requested for Ruth and Deborah to pay him a visit They arrived and were seen having a conversation with him that afternoon "My daughters, the burning flames of God's kingdom. How are you all doing?" He asked after they had greeted "We are fine sir. God has been helping us sir" Deborah answered "That is good. I know the both of you must be missing Elisa." He said and the both of them smiled broadly "I have learned that your resumption for the final semester is just a few days away. I called to inform the two of you that I and my wife will be responsible for all your financial requirements this semester so that you people can have a proper time to work out your academy excellence." "I have also bought for the two of you smartphones so that you can be communicating with Elisa on video calls while she rounds up with her degree program in Harvard" he concluded Deborah and Ruth couldn't imagine how God walks in miraculous ways Since the death of Deborah's mother, she had been praying all along for God to see her through with financial requirements for the final semester "Less I forget" Charles Douglas ignited another conversation "Ruth, how is the progress of the book you are working on?" He asked "It has been powerful to the glory of God sir. The editing is almost concluded and from there printing would take effect." Ruth answered "That is beautiful to hear. How many copies do you intend to print?" Charles Douglas asked "We are looking at two thousand sir but if the Lord could do more" Ruth responded "That's alright. Let me know about the cost of printing so that you can have it printed immediately. By the way, I have a professor who is an excellent author and a follower of Jesus. I would love you to get the book across to him before printing." "Alright, sir. I will gladly do that. Thank you so much, sir." Ruth responded rejoicing as she went to her knees The smile on their faces was indescribably great "For a little while I know you two," he continued "I have seen the hand of God upon you. Please don't let it go. Commit yourself more to God and he will direct your part. This place is now your home and you are free to come in at any time" he concluded and requested for their banking details After conclusion with the meeting, they droved back to their residence on campus in Charles Douglas's car Two days later, Prinscribe University welcomed back students into the semester Lucifer had his eyes on Nohrog to bring Professor Shedrach Olarotimi to hell and he in turn looked forward to stopping the activities of Deborah and Ruth since Elisa had been transferred That was the only way according to the occult grandmaster that his life could be spared This was a hard rock for him to crack and he was sure of it that it was a mission impossible
Episode 50 [Remedy and Death; hell claims a Soul]
"Shadrach please you have to do something o, you have to do something o. I am not ready to be a widow. I'm too young to be a window........" "Woman, can you be quiet for once and allow me to think of the way out of this situation?" "Shadrach Olarotimi what is there to think about. You are fully aware of how evil and terrible these people are. They have finalized on killing you which is why they gave you this hard assignment" "Then what do you want me to do woman? I have done everything possible since resumption to ensure that they are discouraged from going on with their activities but the more I try, the more they seem to grow." "You were the one that lured me into all of these Magdalene. You were not contented with what we had until you persuaded me into joining The billionaire Club Williams was a member of. Do not forget so soon. I didn't know this was what they were doing until that faithful day when we were initiated and introduced to them. Just look at us, we have lost two children and now my life is in demand." "I am sorry my husband. Why don't you consider dismissing the girls from the University and from there you may be pardoned. His wife asked "Have you forgotten the terrible dream I had last night? If I try it, I will die earlier than I should." This was the distressed conversation Prinscribe University's vice Chancellor, Professor Shedrach Olarotimi was having with his wife before a knock came through on the day The wife went for it and came back reporting that it was Tobi his friend He gave directives and Tobi was ushered in to see his friend who within three days had become so sucked up in his flesh After a brief greeting, he went straight to the point "Shedrach, you know this matter is now an issue of life and death. Before I say this, I don't know how you would take it personally" Tobi said staring straight into his eyes "Tobi what are you waiting for? This is my life we are talking about here. I am ready to do anything for me to be set free" Prof. Shedrach Olarotimi concluded "Shedrach," Tobi called in "There is a common saying that if you can't beat them, join them. I am seriously asking you to consider what I'm telling you." "You know that you will fail in this assignment. Our master knows that Lucifer wants your blood and they don't want you to be set free which is the reason why the assignment......" "You are not saying anything, Tobi." Prof. Shedrach Olarotimi hastened "Please go to the point and hit the nail on the head before it is too late." He pleaded to yell at the same time "Well, Shedrach, I'm considering that you invite Deborah and Ruth to pray with you. Since you can't beat them, why don't you join them and maybe hopefully you will survive" He broke the news waiting for his friend's reaction "Tobi, do you know what you are talking about? Grandmaster would destroy me" he cautioned "That's not true Shedrach. It is time to take a step forward. If Jesus would save you, fine but if not, be ready that after that you will be killed. "How about you Tobi? Is it not yet time to do it once and for all and remove yourself from that blood-sucking cult?" He asked him with bitterness in his stomach "Shedrach, I'm doing this not because I dislike the cult but for your safety. Two of us can't pull out of The Billionaires Club at the same time. I wish you luck. He concluded and picked up his bag and stormed out of the house Throughout that night, Prof. Shedrach Olarotimi could not sleep. He was pacing all round the room thinking of how he would go to Deborah and her fellowship after much persecution he had melted upon them Finally, he came up with an idea and decided to go to sleep against all seeming odds Tobi on the other hand arrived home that night and went to bed Deep into the night at around 2am, their occult grandmaster landed in the bedroom and moved to kill him "You have betrayed us, Tobi!!! You know the punishment for betrayal and that is death!!! Now die!!!!" He stretched forth his staff over Tobi and within minutes, Tobi's body became cold and lifeless He died that very night and the occult grandmaster disappeared to the home of Prof. Shedrach Olarotimi but he could not be able to carry out his plans because he had already proposed in his heart to take a decision the following day For this reason, the angel of God stood and opposed him
click for more THE HUNT FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF ZION Episode 51 [in search of salvation]